tim olson

A site reliability engineer targeting all things Kubernetes. Coming from SWE I love working all parts of the stack. I specifically provide Kubernetes as a platform along with the administration, onboarding, and life-cycle of applications. Long live Linux.

St. Paul, MN


I have only had it for 5.5 hours. But the Steam Deck is my favorite tech purchase in the last 10 years. I started with a trial by fire; joining friends for our weekly Sea of Thieves session. Sea of Thieves is not deck verified, just proton, but it worked flawlessly. I used discord also on the deck for voice chat. I used the built in array mic and Bose QC35II’s for audio. I was able to install Rosalie’s Mupen64 flatpak, and playing N64 games within 2 minutes, no issues with input. My jaw is on the floor and it’s only the first week.